We offer NEMT Insurance in the states of California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.

We offer NEMT Insurance in the states of Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,  Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Partnering with Progressive


Progressive Insurance

Parent Company:

Progressive Insurance Group

Year Founded:


Home Office:

Mayfield Village, OH

General Phone Number:

Claim Information:


Make a Claim

Claim Phone Number:

Billing Information:


Pay Now

Billing Phone Number:

Website Links:


Manage Your Account

Website Services:

View and pay a bill online; quote or make a policy change; access and print policy documents

We’d love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at (844) 467-6368.

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